Share your creations!

THE "Sonic Islands 'Aurora Ruins Proof of Concept' Demo" IS AVALIABLE NOW TO DOWNLOAD!!


Welcome to the Sonic Islands Game Jolt Community!
This community brings together the fans of the Sonic franchise in a fun and friendly way! With news and more about the Sonic Islands fangame!
Gamejolt Community Rules:
Don't steal art! Credit the original artist and don't claim it as yours.
No NSFW/NSFL of any kind.
No spamming posts or comments!
No Bullying Or Harassment! Be Nice, Kind, And Civil!
Don't Mention Or Discuss Real World Topics! This Includes Politics, Religion, Etc.
No off-topic posts! Only post things related to Garten Of Banban!
No advertising other communities! You can advertise your fangames in the creativity area channel or post videos of gameplay that YOU did!
Have fun and enjoy being here! :D
You can follow more news on "The Adventures of Bob Bear Community" Discord server: