Multifandom Fanart in 📦 || BOXZEE'S COMMUNITY

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Samurai stance, I tried to draw with one of my character (Pony Takahashi)

Uhhhhh.... Is it just me or did I make Does bad things guy look....uhhhh....cursed or something?

So, I have made V2 of these two
Frisk (female) and Kris (Male)
Which version you like V1 or V2

I started digging, and look what I found!
I made a Genderbend of Mitsuri a little while ago! (I found the original design on Devinart, and made fanart of it.)
What do we rate it chat?

First time I'm drawing something from pinterest sketches normally...
And yes, don't ask wtf is this coloring, my eyes hurt