This is the Capcom Fighting Satellite. Go for broke.
Now, it's time to the REAL answer!

Welcome to the community!
All posts should be about Street Fighter, Darkstalkers, Capcom vs. SNK, Lunime vs. Capcom and Final Fight.
This is a General community, so you can post SF-related things.
You can post SFE character concept art to the community.
As of October 4, NSFW, sexual content and sending nudes are not allowed. If you are making inappropriate content, you will be WARNED.
As of October 1st, stealers are not allowed here for not interrupting the community. If you steal all arts, you'll be WARNED for this.
As of November 13, the community has changed the logo, the rules and all posts are from CVS, DS, FF and SF.
As of December 19, LUNIME vs. Capcom posts are now permitted.