
you can finally download Bbuild 2 in gamejolt!!!!

https://gamejolt.com/games/Bbuild/824321 grab it!!! now or i mean download it!!!

have fun with building voxels :)

if your a ursina dev then i might need help :) if your looking for a job WONT GET PAID, soon get paid :D

https://walikhan.itch.io/blockbuild2 BLOCKBUILD 1.2.1 is finally here! GO AHEAD AND DOWNLOAD THE GAME RIGHT NOW BECAUSE now there is extra blocks and more customize and editable for mod packs textures :) and player skin :D

if you wanna help me make a remake then ask

the muffin killer has a new update and now part 2 is available so grab the version 2 now https://gamejolt.com/games/muffins/687720

brand new muffins :O

if you didnt joined vico then sign up now vico.forumotion.com :D reminder: project made by vico


Today im going to teach you how to upload a banner in vicoπŸ’–πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

But make sure you signed up in vico forum network because i have added alot updates and i wanted to share you all with this tutorial, sorry for low cam

Vico.forumotion.com join now😎

So you might never heard of vico, You may say WHAT THE FUCK IS VICO

I mean come on im a muslim content creator like stop saying that but hey its just im just a kind person and i love everyoneπŸ’– so much

So read article to learn about vico


go ahead and join for my group and follow me @J4v0n

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