All Posts in CODENAME: Determination

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hello. everyone now i wanna make a game tho i dont know how to code etc

Great news. Google Play Games is now supported for the next update. However, not every part of the Google Play Games functionalities will be implemented or utilized.

What is coming up for the next major update?

1.1.2 Minor Update + Game Launcher Deprecated

Important launcher update.

How to use the game launcher // Wie man den Spielstarter benutzt // Comment utiliser le lanceur de jeu // Cómo usar el lanzador de juegos // Como utilizar o lançador de jogos // Como usar o lançador de jogos // Как использовать игровой пусковой механизм

Update 1.1.1

Somebody wants play with me?

Ps: say it in comments

Whoops! Android now has been updated on Game Jolt &! Sorry about that! Forgot to update the build for Android on here! You may download the up-to-date version!

1.1.0 Update