Hey -X-ScornGames ...

X-ScornGames Projects Update I / 2025: showing current projects again :)

Work-In-Progress: GRAVE DIGGER 2


Hey lovely people of gamesjolt!

Today ive made some changes to the game, which led to a very immersive increase of the visual quality of the game.

Screenshots the progress ive made today :)

Please Give me Feedback on KILLWILL: https://xx696.itch.io/killwill

or buy and support the developer:



If I may introduce myself, my name is X , game artist & founder of -X-ScornGames, an independent game development company, based in austria. I'm propably the only game-developer, suffering from the infamous tourette-syndrome, as well as a strong OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). Until today I've proudly released the following games:


@-X-ScornGames owner
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