Articles aæe in Toy Bonnie Fan-Community
I won't be online today. Here's why:
Well! Look at that, our new thumbnail! (Credits to @DelauneGAMES for being an awesome animator and human being 👍)
I've been very busy and quite active lately! So I think it's time for a new update! (Specifically on projects and college)
Some personal life/college updates!
I wanted to share whats been going off in my personal life experiences in terms of collage ( sorry gacha haters )
I just want to put out there that this account is a safe place for anyone. Bullying isn't welcome here, anybody AND I MEAN ANYBODY is welcome. I don't support toxic organizations!
K I've got a big day ahead of me tomorrow guys! So ima say good night! And wish me luck for tomorrow! I will try to find the time in the morning to post before I go to college!