Games related :0 in Toy Bonnie Fan-Community

Two days of hard work and this is what eclipse productions have done with out latest project, those nights at pips! Please follow and check it out.…
Hey so this was what me and foxy were working on. And trust me, its going good.
Im gonna be taking time tomorrow also to work on this with @TheRealFoxy101 . So expect me to mention that later on.
Rightys will currently be on hold. I don't know if this will change in the future. But I have my reasons.

The first room has been completely remodeled! I tried to get the animatronics to look more like the in game counterparts lol..
Anyways I’m going to go to bed now, so reprogramming will be worked on tomorrow.. #nightjolt

Ok… I remade the outside sprites! Let me know if there is anything else I should edit/remake!