Games related :0 in Toy Bonnie Fan-Community


Announcing that the release date will be next week on the 14th this month!

I won’t change too much, but I’m working on better programming and perhaps making the room sprites be less ms paint quality :)

You all wanted me to delay the game… so I’ll keep working and decide a new release date later today!!

Finally.. I set up the 5th room! The souls are chasing Sydney now.. and blocking her path.. I wonder how she will get out..? (That question is more do you all rather than me.. I already know lol)

Just finished room 4! Coding enemies now! Idk when this will be done but it’s not going to be a long project I promise! :)

I made the second room! I want to do a cutscene but have no idea and Google won’t help… if you have experience please tell me how the hell to do that, or at least make my own particles.. for springlocking. Thank you!!!

Teaser image for my game Sydney’s story! Drew it in class using markers and coloured pencils! (And Sydney is white… I just coloured her wrong, I’m sorry..!)

Go check da game ma friend @GL1TCHF0XY-GL1TCHTRAP has been doing these days! <:]

What to expect from rightys rebuilt!

.......j-just JUST NO! THATS TERRIFYING πŸ˜­πŸ˜‚πŸ˜­πŸ˜‚πŸ˜­