General in The Cum Army reborn (joke community)

Share your creations!

im baaaaaaaaaaack

wohooo! you are back! wow! great, take a seat, how was your day my friend?

I just finished An album before giving the guitar to the owner

noooooooo my favorite instrument do not goooo noooo

(My fingers cry, i've been trying to Play for 11 minutes, and still not that gud, but alrighty!)

anyways, how u guys doin'?

guuys and gals

we are close to 1000 aren't we?

why do i say "we"?

you may say

"YOU made it, not me"

its simple my fella, WITHOUT YOU, i couldnt achieve this, turns out you guys are like a family to me

and your presence here makes me feel gud





bro i forgot that i created the omori nerds community 😭😭

I almost have 200 followers now and i still havent done the voice reveal cuz no one voted on the poll so i guess im doing a qna as a voice reveal on feb 4 so ask away.