G3N3R4L in D34N 3M3RY G4M35

There is no way I won't accept a game request, unless it's p*rn*gr*ph*c.

Bloody hell, I can't stop using Picrew.
Anyway, here's Satan's design. I tried to make him look as menacing as possible (the eyes say it all), but I don't really think it worked. XD
What are your thoughts? Lemme know in the comments!

Decanus Noctis (means Dean of the Night)
I already posted about this guy on my gamedev account, but I'll do some extra details here

Odin's design for D2D. He still has the blood stains from when his eye was taken from him.
Oh and he's black. So no, I am not being racist. And this was made with Picrew. Don't judge me. I can be lazy at times.
Watcha think? Answer in the comments!

One of the major main characters of D2D. This is Dean Noctis, aka Dean of the Night, aka Decanus Noctis. Not Dean Emery. Noooo. That would be mighty narcissistic of me to give him my IRL last name. XD
What do you think? Answer in the comments!