Character in Design

Share your creations!

Friends, which character do you like? write in the comments. #GjAsks

Aaron's Right-Hand-Man

Who's that handsome little devil?

Oh that's me.

Uncle Samsonite draws and bonus a uncle Samsonite au !THE AU ITS NOT MINE OK!!

#pillarchase2 #unclesamsonite #art #xD


for @Noah-the-tomato

And yes I'm trying out new stuff y'all how is it


the fox from the stars

Okay uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

CharacterReferenceSheet for MissX @KivBunny characters. Crazy where we started & ended up with. I'm pretty happy with the details I did on it. Even so we went though ups & downs with this & had to change a lot because they where hard to noticed before.

Rosemi cheering up Ash!