TCHI stuff in Kingdom of Doit

What 'cha thinkin' about?

Feeling cute,

Decorated Maxie's room with some MMNNPIDAH references!

This game will be better than Pew Pew Bam Bam.

Because it stars a transgender lesbian moose and not...

several hundred identical white guys

no No NO!

The final boss needs MORE attacks!

What is this, a baby game for stupid babies?!?!??

Look guys! A health bar!

You like surviving more than one hit, right? 🎂

Game dev update:

(read le article)

Final Game-dev post today.

I hid a cat face in this explosion :3

-Testing final boss

-One shot by their combos

-"I was at level 1 right"

-Checks stats

-Max health


The final boss has 2,000 base health?

The previous tankiest boss had 500!