TCHI stuff in Kingdom of Doit

What 'cha thinkin' about?


You gotta' do this shit in one session!

Let me cook, you gaming masochists!

Silly me!

I was going to have the Perma-death mode close the game when you die :P

I should actually just restart you, duh!

Also yes, the difficulty options are a Curious George reference :3

Context: (

(2:52) if the timecode doesn't work ;)

Feeling cute,

Decorated Maxie's room with some MMNNPIDAH references!

This game will be better than Pew Pew Bam Bam.

Because it stars a transgender lesbian moose and not...

several hundred identical white guys

no No NO!

The final boss needs MORE attacks!

What is this, a baby game for stupid babies?!?!??

Look guys! A health bar!

You like surviving more than one hit, right? 🎂

Game dev update:

(read le article)

Final Game-dev post today.

I hid a cat face in this explosion :3