General in Five Nights at F***boy's: The Community

Share your epic s**t!

Heyyy the discord server for our gamejolt page got to level 3 so now we have a custom link for it.

pico and friends want to pay off the debt they are in after failing to kill some blue haired bisexual

git gud and join today

pico and friends want to pay off the debt they are in after failing to kill some blue haired bisexualgit gud and join todayplease.___________________________...

I have come to make an announcement.

[Please read the contents first!] Hello there everyone. It has been a long while...

  19 votes Voting finished

So, this was a joke I made for a FNAFB fangame I was working on but that I'll probably never finish. Figured I'd still share it here though since I thought it was funny.