All Posts in Five Nights At Freddy's Plus

Do I return the option to change the character to the menu?

Guys, when I made the fnaf plus classic menu, I discovered that a Cursor helps with menu selection, So I redid the fnaf 2 plus button selection.
How much do you think you have improved?

So you can get an idea of what the classic fnaf plus will be like, as I said it's easier to make than the 2 plus xd
If you are wondering why, This is due to the optimization of the modeler 3D with the models, the classics are lighter than the plus ones

Guys, if you don't remember, I'm going to do the classic fnaf plus, and I was thinking about it because it's simpler and easier to Do you think it should be done at the same time as the 2 plus?

Is this a good easter egg?

New renders of kids cove and the mangle WIP 1
Stay tuned as I will soon show you the updated version of the map, with the names of the locations and some modifications
1I'm excited to see it!
2Considering the old one I don't expect anything very different

New Mangle Posters
Teader 38 of the game

Game over screen with slight movements and that animation when the character is possessed?