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Remaking LEGO Fnaf Plus Freddy and Chica!

Happy new years, guys


Happy New Year, I hope 2025 is great and also the best year for fnaf, I hope you have a great year!


Feliz Ano Novo, espero que 2025 seja ótimo e também o melhor ano para fnaf, espero que vocês tenham um ótimo ano!

New updated LEGO Fnaf plus heads, Bonnie looks good, Freddy is alright and Chica looks terrible XD. She looks like one of those novelty horse masks, she will be getting a resculpt. Her head shape is tricky.

Simple logo I made to represent the game

There will be more like this in the future

Simples amostra das falas do protagonista na cutcene inicial do jogo (não tem todas as falas aqui, tem mais na cena, porem coloquei algumas relevantes pra não mostrar tudo o que está por vir)

só fiz a em português por enquanto

  6 votes Voting finished

-A Very Heavy Christmas SPECIAL Announcement!-

Happy Holidays by our team, Blue Cupcake Games!

BETA Tester Registration link (Deadline : February 1st):…

Chica Comic W.I.P.

#FNaF #Chica #FNaFPlus #Comic


It's been quite a while...

My LEGO Fnaf Plus Foxy has received an update, after a year and a bit. I’ve remodelled his head entirely and have repainted his torso. I am now going to move on to updating the entire LEGO Plus band that I made. Stay tuned!