announcements_and_stupid in Five Nights at Kirby's

Pink does not mean peepee.

Blony's been super busy collecting presents for her friends! However, the allure of cookies n' milk is too powerful of her. Just... a few more... minutes...zzz....
Might make a 2.7.5 update soon which adds exclusive Custom Night characters and adds more stuff to the gameplay
After that this might be the final update for the game
Thinking about cancelling more of my upcoming games except TRTPPG 2, One Night at Bobux, and the NITE remakes because i think having alot of upcoming games was the cause of my stress and I want to try have less games to work on so I can finish them

time to go outside lmao

Five Nights at Kirby's
A Five Nights at Freddy's parody and a reimagined version of my original game! More to be announced soon!

Everest is a (mostly scratch) fnaf fangame event that is hosted by @natertaterp0tat032 and @isaacmancool. This event showcases trailers, artwork, and BTS con...
nevermind @TurtleBoard is a geek and is too busy to finish editing everest it's not today
Look out! Everest's comin' soon!
Made a update to V2.7 where the UI is bigger, the Ramadon plush is behind the Imaru plush, and Imaru is less active on Night 7
I forgot to mention in the new update that Kirby will now multiply himself and activate if he's the only one active in Custom Night instead of Blony and Ramadon being active and he stays on the show stage
If hes still on the stage when he moves,