Gameplay in The Unofficial Five Nights at Sonic's Community

Do you like FNaS? I do!

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New Menu Showcase

Very Early WIP


The office.

Five Nights at Sonic's Maniac Mania Lost Bits Announcement Trailer is starting at 4:45 PM EST

Five Nights at Sonic's Maniac Mania Lost Bits Official Trailer 1
Five Nights at Sonic's Maniac Mania Lost Bits is a Small Remaster on Maniac Mania Plus and Maniac Mania Infinite but with a new coat of Paint, Code, and more...

Sure looks like quite the place, huh?

The guy from last night. Looks like he made some friends

If they can't detect your face, they can't detect you


actual gameplay (short bit of REDACTED and fnas 5 hm night 10)

This Boi appeared on my desktop