Gameplay in The Unofficial Five Nights at Sonic's Community

Do you like FNaS? I do!

Terrible ass mode

Sonic is literally the whole difficulty of the mode and he can fuck you over in any second

BTW this game is FNaS 1 2.0 (The recode that Kath made)

All of the main cast have models now.

PK3 version is expected to release soon while the Zandronum version comes after.


Beta footage of Night 1. Hope you enjoy!

alright since im getting bored im going to ask you guys for funny ideas


Yo ggs!

Five Nights at Sonic's (v2.0) [OFFICIAL]

Five Nights at Sonic's (v2.0) [OFFICIAL]
Game -

This is what happens...

(Might update later, idk)

It was difficult but I completed it