general in The Unofficial Five Nights at Sonic's Community

Do you like FNaS? I do!

The second game is here! I'm still working on uploading the first one.
Ok, I found a new comic studio thing for FNaS. Y'know what that means...NEW FNaS comics!

i have recovered the build expect a new update to be coming soon
Updated the description a bit to add headers to each section. Hopefully this adds a lot more life to it!

Five Night's at Red Sonic's 14 - Custom night!!!
so is remastered still going to be worked on even if the other games are being worked on
yes but it will be slowly being worked on unitl after the main line games are done

Five Night's at Red Sonic's 14 - Shadow Night!!!
fnas saga is probably the worst of the classic ones
forgive me trtf