general in The Unofficial Five Nights at Sonic's Community

Do you like FNaS? I do!

anyway heres the logo i am going to use because first week sound too much of opening week

FNaJR logo (by the way i made the colors on the words to look like sonic)
(edit: it sounds like the opening week so this is getting changed)

Hmm what are these

Five Night's at Red Sonic's 15 - Title screen!!!
Ok, a poll. Who to remake first, with the new appearance as the
Re-clone Chibi Sticker?
Anew Stellar Sonic or Top Stellar Shadow
 57 votes Voting finished

Let’s dance 🎉…
Go check out @NowhereBunny and their raffle, they do tons of cool art and are pretty chill, you should like... follow em or something...

Just putting this here. Don't mind it.