questions in Five Nights at Treasure Island - Official Community

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Wich Fnati character have the BIGGEST forehead???

Does Anyone notice that Pete's entire ADI model is Unshade smoothed? (for those who don't know,Shade smoothing is basically when you tap a button, it makes the model smoother and removes all those squares) it also looks like Sub division is on 1 too.
here we go again
which camera
 8 votes Voting finished
Do any of y'all remember an Abandoned Enigma Fan-Game called Rediscovered Enigma? (Well, I think that's what the game was called)
I don't think Radiance knows about this game, like, at all.
I'm having more and more interest in making an fnf mod. What y'all think?

Which Minnie design is better?
 30 votes Voting finished
hey there @RadianceGamesOfficial i've had a issue for a while now to where i cant log into Treasure island. i have tried changing my game token and username but nothing works. have any idea what might be wrong? thanks!
Whats Some News on March?