<Your Projects> in The Hypervese

The Hexagons are watching you!

a little showcase of Anima Messorem 1.0


Story Mode Completed! Everything in Story Mode done, everything works! Friday Night Funkin Never 2 Engine (Test 8)

The art of the game was somewhat inconsistent, so I decided to redo 2 sprites

im gonna ask which one of this pixel arts do you like more? resprites or the originals?


1st- Fake Mario Intro

2nd- Intro Jumpscare


PVZ eternal 2.0 Peashooter, Sunflower and Potato Mine animation test


Just testing

Solo probando

So, I was planning to do a Halloween event (a little late?) It will be a spooky art contest, I will give more information in the discord


Also, the development of Anima Messorem has been resumed, thx :3

what do you thing is this???

Cooming soon

Ladies and gentlemen, I have finished programming all the fangame content, however I am waiting for Pixel Italian to finish developing the 2 jumpscares to publish the Demo.

Tomorrow or next week I will bring you a gameplay showing the game sneak peek.