Highrise Game Jam


by Game Jolt & Highrise Studio

The Highrise Game Jam is where creators come together to craft immersive 3D worlds using Highrise Studio! Highrise Studio is a Unity package that works with Lua scripting to enable creators to make fully interactive 3D worlds in Highrise, a virtual world platform that has built-in avatar and multiplayer features.

Whether you're an experienced developer or just starting out, create a game starting on April 29 until May 5th for a chance to showcase your skills, collaborate with others, have fun making games and win CASH!

Get started learning how to make worlds with Highrise Studio with our Creator Portal! Join the studio-beta channel on Highrise Discord to chat with the dev team and other creators.


🏆 1st Place - Overall Game

$1,000 for the best overall game

🏆 2nd Place - Overall Game

$500 for 2nd place overall game

🏆 3rd Place - Overall Game

$350 for 3rd place overall game


Highrise Studio staff will play through each of the games!

April 29th - May 5th: Both the start and end of the development period.

May 5th - May 13th: Panel of Highrise Studio's judges will select their favorite game!

The Winner will be announced on May 15th!

Judging criteria:

  • The top worlds with the highest ratings and engagement on Highrise at the end of the week will be judged by the Highrise Studio team based on gameplay, community engagement and rating.


  • Submissions:

    1. Submissions start on April 29th and end on May 5th at 11:59PM (Pacific Time).

    2. Your game must be created and submitted within Highrise Studio Hub.

    3. While we strive to make the competition available for as many creators as possible, you must be 13 or older to participate.

    4. Collaborations and group efforts are welcome, but we recommend teams of 2-4 people for better coordination. You can find people looking to team up in the Questions channel.

    5. Be cool. No racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, religious prejudice, or other forms of hate. No personal attacks. No pornographic content. Nothing illegal.

Game Format:

  1. The game and all of its visual aspects should be made during the jam development period.

  2. To make an interactive world for Highrise (i.e. submit a game for the jam), you'll need to use Unity and the Highrise Studio Package. By downloading Studio Hub from the website, it will guide you through the quick install of the Hub, Unity and the Studio Package: https://create.highrise.game/highrise-studio

  3. You can use pre-made music and sound assets (as long as you have permission or a license).

  4. Your game must be free.

  5. You must own the IP. No fan games!

 How to add your game to the Highrise Game Jam

Want to enter the jam? Do this:

Download and install Studio Hub and head over to Highrise for step by step instructions:


Watch this video explaining how to create your first world in Highrise: https://gamejolt.com/p/the-highrise-game-jam-is-underway-watch-the-video-for-ti-djgafxxx

Questions? Email us at [email protected]