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TKG finished designing one of the female outfits, and is currently in the development of a few more. As for myself, I'm working on getting a system repaired, so maybe I'll do a nuzlock stream sometime soon. I've also done some script revising.
I have the full plotline written out in a summary, and I'm now on to write the fully fledged script. This game is gonna be long as hell, as it turns out, the player is in one...
Here is the female basemesh, I'm going to work on making clothes, but TKG is still conceptualizing designs.
This is a tree reference concept that @The_Knights_Ghost designed. We're talking about making the leaves blue or pink instead to match the vibe we have going on in the game.
So if you're reading this, you've probably noticed the change, I assure you it's not that big this time.