chatting in Gaming

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What's an underrated Indie Game🎮 that needs more love?
Show them some love now!

Game to animated show?
I'd honestly watch an animated TABS show
The world of TABS is so creative, it'd be great with a story and characters in a show

The Game Awards revealed their Game of the Year nominees earlier today! Who will get YOUR vote?
Wish a different 2024 game had made the list? Tell us in the comments!
481 votes Voting finished

I'm now wondering how high I'll be able to make my Retro Achievements hardcore score go now that I'm over 16,000 hardcore points!
#GJAsks Which video game do you wish had an animated series?
I think the more you start enjoying Horror Games is when you start to question your own sanity more 🤔...

Which Video Game Do You Wish Had An Animated Series? #GJAsks
Metroid. I'm surprised this hasn't gotten a TV show or movie yet. Because the story and lore is so interesting.
I would also like to see Star Fox be made into a TV series as well.

#GJAsks In relation to last post, Sonic Unleashed would actually be the perfect game to watch as a series. It would definitely become a favourite of mine quite quickly