Programming in Godot

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It's Godoting time...

Mass vs Weight in a vacuum

Did the health UI amd some scripting!
(Follow the game now in bio!)

EN: I wonder if this refactoring will even be useful in the long run or did I just spend my 2 days in vain.
UKR: Мені цікаво, чи буде цей рефакторинг корисний в довгостроковій перспективі, чи я просто дарма витратив 2 дні.

Mostly code stuff today. Did some camera work so it now clamps at the edge of each box so you can't see what lies beyond. Did some cleanup of the save/load functions. Having issues with general positioning (see article).… To anyone who wants to make a 3d sonic game in godot
currently reconsidering fighting system in the game. i really want it to be more than just visual hit by clicking, like you've seen earlier
Devlog 22 Sept 2022.
In this video I implement a Finite State Machine into my game, the Opera Ghost's Love Story. Join me on this journey; hopefully, you'll find it entertaining, and also helpful if you're a gamedev yourself.

Indie game devlog: Finite State Machine
In this devlog from 22nd September 2022, I implement a Finite State Machine into my game, the Opera Ghost's Love Story.I have initially followed this tutoria...