generale in Italiani su Gamejolt

Mario, mamma mia! Write a post!

ah, ho un cane ma รจ fatto cosรฌ

I got so much caffein today that even if I d13 now I'd still complete the game, don't worry! Quarantine ME demo is live and playable online, no download required!

#QuarantineME #pixelart #indiegame #freegame #caffeine #qme

Cosa potremmo avere nel GlitchX 2024

#GJAsks My favorite sidekicks are Susie and Ralsei, they are funny

#MyFavoriteGame I have varius favorite game, but my favorite is minecraft, I have played that game to much

if someone founds an earthbound engine for clickteam can tell to me the link please



Happy birthday @asanstalerblx !!!

Thanks for being my friend (*^o^)ไบบ(^o^*)

Can't wait to see what other rp surprises you got!

Scegli una nuova password di lunghezza compresa tra 8 e 13 caratteri che includa almeno:
- una lettera maiuscola e una minuscola
- due numeri
- un simbolo a sceltra tra ฦธ โ›ง โœ˜ โ™’๏ธŽ โ˜™ โ„
- un segreto di stato
- la cura per il cancro
- il verso della marmotta