general in Jolly's Ultimate RP

Share your creations!
The JURP Events are suppose to be an AU (Alternate Universe) some kind of thing, You should know that already.
So, if I see any of those stuff like JURP are Canon to JOLLY Lore, I would suggestively ask you to remove those kind of stuff.

Guys, here comes the end of a saga since 2023, the last VHS tape of Jolly, the official trailer

Jolly Project J-0114 Remastered @EighthSea & @Jolly-Paradox

Didn't know my last post bring alot of followers since my last post, so for that, gonna show one of my future building minecraft soon related to Fanverse universe (Fnac, Popgoes and Tjoc), but for now, have me testing the shaders instead for today.
Bye !