All Posts in Leiger's Community

Let's talk! What's on your mind? :)

Happy new year!


Twitch allows simulcasting now!

As of October 2023

It is 2024. It's also 12:25am.

So far, the future is quite dark, with occasional explosions in the night sky.

Be warned!

Charged Stickers are awesome. THANK YOU! 🧡

When I'm thanking people for their charged stickers I've been using dad jokes in December :P

Check the article for a bunch of really BAD dad jokes 👇


Do NOT Trust Me In A Truck!

Clearly, I can't drive! 😅


Should you make an Iron Farm in Minecraft?

Hey all~!

Quick question: Are there any underrated or overlooked games that you think more people should play?

Link to the Steam page? :D

New Year's Resolution?

I will develop a game from scratch and release on Steam in 2024.

AND I will livestream the entire process 😄

AND there'll be regular updates here on GameJolt 🎉


#NewYearsResolution #GameDev

CurlsofDoom posted this in our Discord


Xisuma reacts to a rebel