All Posts in Indie Cross

the indie cross

if u see this your lucky day

"We are one but I am many..."

Specimen 2 from Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion…


This time, we fixed the enemy sounds, and added options ingame! Stay tuned for weekly patches!

Also support us on kickstarter!

IPT: Phase 0.5 Final Part

5 Hours 40 Minutes: The Agreement of Monster and Demon

6 Hours 20 Minutes: The Poker Faces

6 Hours 40 Minutes: Cooperative of Trio

(Full Info in Article)

Made Indie Cross series gifs:)

Credit for: @MORO-IndieCrossDev for making the Indie Cross series:)

LowTierDemon ⚡

A new Trio has been born...Kill Time Trio
Story Line : After the 3 brothers we're doing their things , they decided to go back to the H Gang House. After opening the door , the others we're dead. Then the 3 Judges will end this chaos once and for ALL…

I have accidentally stumbled upon a cool feature for our game! This patch will utilize this feature accordingly! That's right! It's wall jumping!

Support our kickstarter:

Our Kickstarter has launched!

Experience high octane retro shooter action!

Stay tuned for weekly updates and improvements!

Support us on Kickstarter:

Independence Sans as Omori Emotions Chart