Random in Minecraft

Share your Minecraft experiences!

I made a new elemental blaze thingy called the graze

Important question.

What are your favorite parts of Minecraft?

Make sure your answer is specific.

Whats your all favourite Minecraft Music Disc?

Mine is Creator close second would be otherside



Might i ask why so many players of minecraft passionately hate on birch

I legit have never hated birch (in fact it's a preferred wood in my childhood)


Sheep's have front facing eyes in minecraft, does this imply they eat meat?

#GJAsks I wish, minecraft 2 was real.

Honestly I wish Mojang just improved on what's already in the game before adding constantly new content, they just ruin the game's performance and add like a 100 really minor items that for most you barely notice when playing.

hi guys, i will stop posting on gamejolt, and it's not dangerous, i have an exam in canada that is really important and that won't lemme post. i'll be back january 21.