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Dev page going up in about twenty minutes, maybe eariler.

New dev page dropping soon.

Got it...the update.

Everything works fine...but the end of the secret before you try to finish the game...yeah...let me update patch 1.0.7 for what I know is the last time at this point.

This is why this game took two and a half years...

Wanted to mention that I learned from Luigikid relatively recently that…SUBCON.FDS is NOT eligible for exechallenge4. The reason being that I’ve already released a public version of it in the past.

So I did say I wouldn't be releasing anymore updates or patches unless something game breaking was found, and it was, so for that reason, as of me writing this post, make sure to install 1.0.7 again. For what I hope is the last time.

Btw, in the near future I intend to release the engine that I used to make SUBCON.FDS. No mario 2 engines currently exist publicly that can be easily accessed and are finished, so I’m going to change that, starting I don’t know when, but soon probably.

And with the writing of this post, all updates on SUBCON.FDS are finished. No more updates, no more patches. This is Patch 1.0.7, and here are some of the things I changed: