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You Have To Wait, And Guess What?

Tragic Legacy: A Sonic Creepypasta: The Complete Story (Good Ending)
#Sonic #SonicTheHedgehog #Sad #story #Tragic #Legacy #creepypasta #goodending #complete #gameplay Made Game By: @mosaicarts828

Before my break from posting, I thought I would finaly share with you guys what I think about my games.

And I have only one thing to say:

(rant, don't continue if you don't like it)

Oh yeah, I nearly forgot: There are three more things I want to add to the last announcement:

On April 1st, I said that there would be an important announcement soon.

Well, here it is.

(Click "Read article")

Never thought I'd see the day...

I wonder how many people will notice that I changed the banner-

Also, there is gonna be an important announcement soon.

And it's not going to be anything good...

So somebody told me that in Sonic 1, only in the Origins Port of it, there's this Easter Egg you can get in the second act of Green Hill Zone.

Something big is now coming!
be sure to check out @HELPMEHEISAFTERME 's profile!