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Brother'sBlood Devlog #...l lost count
Grand Theft Auto 3 video comimg out tomorrow aroumd 2:00am New York time.
Thanks to @BattyNSaNe_Gaming , I was able to make this video.

New video coming up!!

@BattyNSaNe_Gaming inspired me to make this video.

Hello fellow pie people of the Internet, today I have uploaded a new video.

What an emotional ride happened in this episode. From happy moment to sad moment. Pardon for earripe in the beginning of the video, the game was soo loud. (Also having my red hair back hehe)
Let's play by me:

Hey there guys'n'girls, guess who's back on track! This episode was so epic my mind just went puff. Hope you'll enjoy this gameplay :)
Let's play by me:

So much things happened in this episode. What a twisted way to finish it! Really lovely custom story ^_^
Let's play by me:

@BattyNSaNe_Gaming and I have encountered really creepy moments during our session and the game was soo mad that we progressed really well it had to broke down. But what we encountered was really really creepy!
Let's play by me: