Official Posts in Moth House

Start Typing Away!

Currently working on the Achievements, very fun

who wants to voice her for me?
or at least be a temporary voice actor

Got a little more progress on Mei's movement, my laptop decided to stop acting up and let me actually work on the game without lag
And sorry the footage is grainy, my laptop was overheating
Here is a dust cloud animation for Mei's dash/dodge

Here is a little sneak peek at Mei's final sprites
and also a progression of the sprites from Pre-Alpha, to Alpha, to v0.0.6a, to Pre-Final, and then Final

currently working on redoing the Mini Mei sprites so she looks more like the actual blue (green in this case) lady we love
also going to try and get rough sketches for the other rooms of transit and get Mei's dive and jump done and implemented

Happy Paper Airplane Day!
To celebrate the occasion you all can have a little sneak peek at the work in progress music for the stage Transit!
Made by yours truly, @GenericIs