now_playing in Music

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It's an Audio Visual that I recorded in one of Birdland's clubs at morning
#Music #Shorts #Techno #Animation #Recording #Club #Parrot #Art #Visualizer #Visual

Duar duar duar...
That's the way it is...
Chill out...
What you yelling about?...

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Check out my friend guys :3
"Never tell yourself you should be someone else. Stand up tall and say, 'I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid.'"
- ONE OK ROCK, "We Are"

got bored these past couple days so i tried recreating the square 1 in high above the land
only a small part of it though
if some parts sound distorted then you can blame obs bc it does not like recording square waves on its own

Deltarune Music Box on GBA for next year Anniversary