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Welcome to mai lair...better known as mai basement! :3

Uhhh let's see...rules...

  • No NSFW. Suggestive stuff is kinda ok so long as you put a warning. If it's images, have the first image in the post be a warning. If it's something suggestive you need to SAY, put it in a spoiler in an article on a post.

  • No spam. Notice any users advertising weird stuff here? Or posts that generally seem spam-like? Please make me aware so I can block them from this community. Users CAN advertise stuff they're working on, but it must go in the appropriate channels.

  • Absolutely NO discrimination of any kind. You WILL be blocked from this community if you harass an individual because of their ethnicity, sexuality or identity.

  • Explicit language is allowed here, but slurs are not...unless they are not being used in a way that is deemed offensive by other users.

@NimaTheGaymer08 owner
Report A community for 4 months