Nima’s Corner in Nima's Lair
when the
I had just listened to “I am all of me” when I made this playlist 💀😭
There we go.
Minecraft Nima.
Sometimes I worry that I’m a bad person
But then I see something like this and remember…
I could’ve been way worse 😅
Atleast I don’t tell people to kill themselves.
Before I head offline to sleep, I also have this.
For every like on this post, we will both answer one of these questions.
You can also request specific questions on there, to be answered.
….the impossible just happened…
Pls remind me to make Nima Minecraft skins...
If I'm about to do something else, snap me back to reality by saying something like "Nima, you silly feeble-minded little gay, you are supposed to make Minecraft skins of yourself..."
For now, gn! :3
I'd just like to specify something...
I am STEAWING my mum's CDs /j
I could’ve sworn I once saw a thing of some people consenting to certain stuff, then claiming they didn’t…
…ever heard of a thing called revoking consent? I think that’s something those sorts of people should try doing. Just say “I wanna stop now”.