Nima’s Corner in
when the
Time for me to talk about why I work alone, with all of my projects...
I really like this pic of myself
Hopefully you all like it, too! :3
I got a new idea for a crossdressing pic
The shorts and vest from my first pic, a black hoodie, and one of my chokers :3
Gimme some time to set up and I'll post a pic
As someone who lives in England, I am forced to pick the first thing for my survival.
I can probably friendzone her and we can then be besties.
Autoplay in Windows media player be funny asf
Ah yes, after listening to "Shy Guy" by Diana King (I ripped it from a CD) I TOTALLY wanna listen to some fanmade creepy minecraft music disc I produced a couple years ago
Just some reminders for all of you! :3
This is not a want, this is a need.
Time to save up again! :3
Note to self: Do not summarise little red riding hood with drawings.
These are like 3 of the frames I did for it, for a college assignment.
Okay. Time for the serious discussion about my exact political viewpoint.
It is an attempt at a balance that perhaps the entire United States, both liberal and republican, would like.
Feel free to have a look.
Also modified the dress pic (First one is the original)
Once again, just some basic changes. Modified the contrast and brightness, smoothed out some grain and added clarity.
Which one looks better?