everything ever in Non-standard Community

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Man fuck this I'll just go back to browsing e621 instead of having to stress out on my dogshit games

on the topic of nssp i realized further if i would have finished mkhe+ or this theres only so many bosses i could implement since im not goign to just rip every single one from various sf2 servers thats retarded or something i dunno i thought i would go

also ow i just realized how FUCKED i am
EDIT: read article for information on why i provided THIS image in Particular

S = Spawn Point
arrow = stairs going up (it points in the up direction)
1 & 2 = Floor 1 and 2 respectively
arrows from spawn = i dunno showing which way you can go i guess but maybe i might make it like have an outdoors area too and a window in floor 2