Games Project in FNaTI: The Oddities Community

Share your Oddity!

the page revamp's finally here...

Ask and You Shall Receive

Night with The Cabin Face Family by @MrMalos

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Yeah fuck it, gallery will also make a return, that's all your getting rn.

in other news, spectrum of terror.

see ya'll in february where i'll try to be more active

(not taking another break dw)

pardon our dust

ok today marks the real anniversary of Teal's full game

no render so uhhh have a wip of thumbnail

gotta also remember that i'm fsr shadow-banned exclusively to communities

ok maybe not anymore

also, previews of the games soundtrack appears first on my scratch account, so go there if you wanna see the music early :)

The future of my games: Pink Oddities Rebooted

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