updates in piza KZLC

share your dingle

give me more likes but actually dont because your approval sucks

PIZA KZLC: THE GAME is CANCELLED due to there being LITTLE TO NONE fans AT ALL... the fact that YOU did NOT contriBUTE makes this you faut... are YOU happy NOW?
i am truly broken now...

join my game community in the article below
it's a game called piza kzlc
it would mean a hwole FREAKING lot if you took a bit of time just please do it i'm so tired
athe second image is me tired. this is what will happen if ou dont join my community or c

... grittle lousin-
lCLONE conifrmed.$$
grittle lusin ngoogle.com$$ (lucian)
luca luca ian iclian ice since wave.itch.io
piza.kzlc. https://danelleram.itch.io/piza-kzlc

me realizing that i'm gonna have to make a sorting list from scratch just so that i can make an achievement viewer: