Other stuff (idk) in pikawilliam11 HQ - Community Department

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I bought a couple of retro video games last weekend, and here what I got a few min after starting one of them.....

Other jolters: The first likes quest is impossible, we can't find 1 likes only posts kudjfoyurfugogisjxkfus



Enough said lol


Near Construct 3 and Trello C:

(The black shape in the middle is to avoid doxx myself lol)

For new stuff around, I changed the Gameboy stickers pack for the Blobcats chess stickers pack released previously.

Have fun C:

Meanwhile I will be busy at work, here are some sketch I did to visualize and make some of my already released games.


I got "Rainbow Six" for PS1 yesterday...

DEAR LORD, this is the hostage I must save??

Nan bro, was too ugly to live. I shoot it in the head and ended the mission this way lol

Wait what? Blobcat is under blackout?

You jolters cannot leave this poor Blobcat without electricity and keep it in the dark.

Give it some charged sticker to bring power back on!

Wait a minute.... Now Joltidays officially started.....

GJ gave to all the users some goods reasons to give charged sticker for all december....

So, I will have to make MORE wip to take my part of the cake?


*Game dev noises intensify*


How is that even possible???

I just submitted this as premium background for my shop. Would be legendary if accepted lol