Share your creations!
Game releases calendar for 2025
(can be modified anytime since life is a [REDACTED]:
- Read article -

The third wave of Community sticker packs is coming in October :O
You know the drill, submit your art ON THIS POST to be possibly selected in the new sticker packs in a few weeks.
*Rules in the article*

Want to get your arts in my next sticker pack (and be able to use and master your own art sticker)?
Deadline: July 17, 2024 at 18h00 EST
GJ Community sticker pack is planned for July 19, 2024.
All info and rules in the article....
Reason: My paid licence of Construct 3 expired and I have issues to renew it (I have the money tho).
Game dev will resume once the licence renewed.
Welcome to the pikawilliam11 HQ - Community department
All communications about my games, or related to them, will now be included here beginning from 2022-09-02.
Come here for the recent updates of my games, need to contact the pikawilliam11 customer services department or other departments.
I made this community very too late, since now all my "game-making" related posts are drowned in all my meme posts ;-;
But, can now easily be found here.
Like any community, rules need to be present to ensure this environment is safe and pertinent to his main goals.
Rules for each channel are the following (Where users can post stuff, lol):
Rules can be modified, added, or deleted at any time depending on the dramas that can happen here
Customers service:Same rules as the Public chat area channel
No meme
To be used if one of my games has a bug needed to be fixed, a game is not working properly on your device, you have any pertinent questions about one of my games or there is something wrong requiring my attention.
--I will respond to you when I'm available and online. Don't expect a quick reply if I'm offline or in a blackout after heavy rains destroyed the electricity lines of my area (Which somehow happen more than normal in 2022).
Gamers requests service:
Same rules as the Public chat area channel
No meme
To be used when you want to
request a game
, a feature in an existing game or any request for upgrading one of my games
Not all requests are guaranteed to be accepted.
Complaint department for GAMES:
Same rules as the Public chat area channel
No meme
To be used to send a formal and official complaint about one of MY GAMES, and NOT ME.
When posting here, please be the more precise as possible. Did I accidentally publish a game with racist, sexist or questionable content? Did I accidentally publish a game that is incorrect with real-life history or facts? Did I publish a game that is more wrong than I imagine?
Each complaint of this channel will be examined deeply. Multiple research will be done to confirm or deny the complaint. I will take a few days to verify all the elements in the complaint if they are problematic or harmless rather than a ridiculous and valueless quick reply.
--If I notice that I really added without my knowledge some elements in a game that are problematic as reported in the complaint, the game will be updated ASAP for removing the content. If the game cannot be played without this element, the game will be simply removed right away and all my posts related to it will be immediately deleted, and a serious and honest apologies post will be made with no delay.
All incomplete complaints will get a notice to fix their posts within the following 3 days, if not after that, the post will be ejected.
If a user breaks one of these rules in a minor case (like constantly posting memes in meme safe channel or spamming). The user will be banned for 1 hour as a warning.
After 3 minor warnings, the user will be banned for 1 month.
If the behaviours never change, the user will be permanently banned
For Major cases, like posting NSFW, bullying, harassment, or failing to respect Gamejolt TOS, the user will be banned permanently, and I will report it myself to Gamejolt.
If you get a 1-hour ban, just see this as a friendly warning. I haven't found yet a warning option in my dashboard.