Talk about Vs Impostor: ReReported Stuff!

This Is A Community On The Expansion: “Vs Impostor: ReReported” We Have Some Stuff We Need To Tell You!


ahh a common thing that’s needed, here are some rules

1, No Harassing/Racism (say /j for the harassing ones please.)

2, Please don’t advertise when you’ve reached the limit of 10.

3, (this is very Important) don’t false report/gaslight

3a, Gas lighting is when you make Someone DOUBT their sanity

3b, False Reporting is when you Report Someone/something for no good/actual reason.

4, No Leaking Content that doesn’t say “Leaking Allowed”, no leaking someone/your private info, no leaking peoples ages, etc.

More Rules Soon


This Is One of My Coolest Communities With Effort in it.

Report A community for about 2 years