Misc. in Retro & Homebrew Games

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OMG 😱 The Innovation 🤯

I never thought that the SNES was such a big undertaking to learn compared to the Atari 2600, Gameboy and Gameboy Color systems

it's graphics chip is so complex to program for vs. the other systems, haven't even tried to look at the sound chip yet

Cursed Fan Games (Star Wars & iCarly) and Horse Plinko
@beefgravystudios #starwars #icarly #plinko #fangame Beef Gravy and Lil Beef play three games that are cursed creations. First is a Star Wars Zombie FPS, Sec...

Canal 3 Expo 2023 em São Paulo, dias 28 e 29 de outubro. Venha nos conhecer e jogar nossos jogos!

#DavilaGames #LunaticFighters #TrueGalacticMission #MegaDrive #SegaGenesis #Canal3Expo

Apoiem nossos projetos!


What about Bob

After about 6 months, I started working on my custom controller again for retro gaming!

I designed the PCBs for the analog sticks, got them made, and check them out! They fit in perfectly.

Next step, building out the whole main PCB.


Do it in Spanish


1.) Terraria

2.) Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

3.) Minecraft

4.) Q*Bert

5.) Populous

6.) Hot Shots Golf 2

7.) The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap


Awesome Pinball Game