gaming area in The Unhappy Community :c

opposite of Happy

Fourth chapter, today I started with some emblems, exploring and mining and getting two new companions, I'll let you tell me the name you want to give to the horse and the dog, that's all and I'll see you in the darkness :)


Cuarto capítulo, hoy he

Here is the third chapter of this series, today I finish the house and take a look at the Netherworld, if you like the video don't forget to support me or make me a small donation. Thank you very much :D


Aquí está el tercer

Mattcraft / Un nuevo hogar (Chapter 3)
Aquí está el tercer capítulo de esta serie, hoy terminamos la casa y echamos un vistazo al inframundo, si te gusta el video no olvides apoyarme o hacerme una...

hello everyone, here is my second day, I hope you like it, I decided that I will alternate the series with the other projects, so it does not become heavy and for people who do not see this content is nothing left, thank you all

Minecraft (Chapter 2)
Hola a todos muchas gracias por ver el video, si les gusto no olviden dejar su apoyo y nos vemos en el siguiente video :)/Hello everyone thank you very much ...

Hi guys, now that I have finished the FNaF cards I have bought Minecraft for the development of the map but before that I have decided to pass Minecraft to 100%, these are some screenshots of my first day, I have explored a mine and then I have started to

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News for Bad Days / Noticias para Bad Days


Hello everyone, I'm sorry to have left the Bad Days project inactive, Game Maker (The program I'm using to make the game) has been giving me an error, it seems that I have already solved it and I hope it doesn't give me more errors.

Here's a video of the

New, improved and bigger Rubik Parkour, only in Willy adventure >:)


Nuevo, mejorado y más grande Rubik Parkour, solo en Willy adventure >:)

I have changed some modes of the map like puzzles and also I have reorganized the colors to make it look more colorful, do you like it? :)


He cambiado algunos modos del mapa como los puzzles y también he reorganizado los colores para que se vea más

Good news that makes me smile.

Willy adventure is officially back, we have been doing some tests and everything seems to be in order.