new posts in RRCreations Club

Welcome to all :D!

In today's chapter we dive deeper into the world of achievements, mining, exploring, decorating and even trading with villagers.

And a small vote for you to tell me how you like better the content in video or in images.


En el

Mattcraft / Un pal' de logros con Rulchera (Chapter 6)
En el capítulo de hoy nos adentramos más en el mundo de los logros, minando, explorando, decorando e incluso comerciando con los aldeanos, si te gusta el vid...
  7 votes Voting finished

A little gift for my buddy @The_Sans_Comic_Artist , in case you are wondering, no, the game is not in development, it's just a little gift, thank you very much for your support Wooper, from RRCreations we really appreciate it ;)

See you in the darkness ;)

Hi guys, I've been testing a new way of 3D modeling that consumes less resources, and it worked, this does not influence the efficiency of the game because we only use images but if you like the result, maybe we will consider to start from 0 with the new

Chapter 5, to be honest I would like to say that the emblem was very easy but it took me more than a chapter to find these stupid frogs, and then they were next to my house, I hope that the next chapter will be more interesting.

see you in the darkness.


And last but not least introducing RR, Spiqpy!... and Zomb!

This is the end of the introductions, for the next one we will see if we can bring the pilot episode, and if you like the pilot episode it will be developed, if not it will be discarded. :)



Presenting María, Mike!... and Rob! >:)


Presentado a María, Mike!... y Rob! >:)

Fourth chapter, today I started with some emblems, exploring and mining and getting two new companions, I'll let you tell me the name you want to give to the horse and the dog, that's all and I'll see you in the darkness :)


Cuarto capítulo, hoy he

Hi guys, I bring you the good news, when we release the next game, we will make a vote, where you will have the opportunity to choose to recover a game that has been discarded, stay tuned because I think it can be interesting, with this I show you some

Story time / Hora de la historia.

Here is the third chapter of this series, today I finish the house and take a look at the Netherworld, if you like the video don't forget to support me or make me a small donation. Thank you very much :D


Aquí está el tercer

Mattcraft / Un nuevo hogar (Chapter 3)
Aquí está el tercer capítulo de esta serie, hoy terminamos la casa y echamos un vistazo al inframundo, si te gusta el video no olvides apoyarme o hacerme una...